After four months of the new SkillSelect program being implemented a new round of initiations has been announced. Following the October 2012 invitation rounds which resulted in 2000 visa invitations being offered, November has seen an increase of 1000 invitations, totalling 3000. The figures published by the Department do not include state and territory government
Archives for November 2012
Work and Holiday Visa Negotiations to Start
Australia already shares Work and Holiday visa arrangements with a number participating countries and, as of this week, the Minister for Immigration and Citizenship has announced that Australia will commence negotiations with the governments of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Israel, Latvia, Poland, and the Slovak Republic. The agreements, when implemented will serve as mechanism for
SmartGate Trial for US Travellers Arriving in Australia
In a joint media release earlier this month, Chris Bowen – Australia’s Minister for Immigration and the Hon Jason Clare – Minister for Home Affairs, Minister for Justice and Minister for Defence Materiel announced a trial that would incorporate US travelers in Australia’s automated border processing system, called SmartGate. SmartGate is a system which allows
“Significant Cost Threshold” to be Increased
According to a recent statement by the Minister for Immigration & Citizenship, the Australian government have proposed to make changes to the Significant Cost Threshold in order to make migration fairer for people with disabilities. The government will still employ rigorous health screening procedures in order to protect public health, however from 1 July the