In April the Department of Immigration and Citizenship conducted two SkillSelect invitation rounds. The first round was conducted on the 1st of April, with the second round following on the 22nd, reaching a total of 2000 invitations. A further 3 occupations have been added to the list of occupations that has reached the occupation ceiling
Archives for April 2013
Brisbane Continues to Thrive on Growing Investment
Brisbane continues to lure investment and is showing strong economic growth in areas such as retail spending, equipment investment and construction work done. A report published by CommSec outlines in detail the performance of each State and Territory in its quarterly “State of the States” report. Komatsu’s General Manager of Mining, Leo Kaloglou said the
Uruguay and Australia Sign Work and Holiday Agreement
People from Australia and Uruguay aged between 18 and 30 can now participate in a work and holiday arrangement which came into effect at the beginning of April 2013. Up to 200 applicants will be able to take advantage of the new program each year. Australia’s minister for immigration, Brendan O’Conner commented: The new work
Australian Visitor Visas Simplified
A recent announcement by the Department of Immigration regarding the simplification of tourist visasindicates a reduction in the number of visas available to holiday makers, temporary workers and persons seeking medical treatment. Visas that are no longer available are: Business (Short Stay) (subclass 456) visa Sponsored Business Visitor (Short Stay) (subclass 459) visa Tourist visa