What Is An Assurance Of Support?
An Assurance of Support (AoS) is a legal undertaking by the sponsor, family relative, an organisation, or any other person who may be eligible to be an assurer, to repay certain social security payments to the Australian Government which has been paid to a person or their family members applying to migrate to Australia during their AoS period. The relevant social security payments include:
- Special Benefit
- Newstart Allowance
- Widow Allowance
- Mature Age Allowance
- Parenting Payment (Partnered)
- Partner Allowance
- Youth Allowance
- Austudy Payment
- Crisis Payment
The assurer also pledges to provide financial support to the person applying to migrate to Australia , so that they will not have to rely on social security payments from the Australian Government. In certain cases, a financial bond will also be required.
The AoS periods are as follows:
- 10 years for contributory parent visa applicant(s)
- 2 years for all other visas where an AoS has been requested
If the visa applicant is in Australia, the AoS period will begin on the date the visa is granted. If the visa applicant is located outside Australia when the visa is granted, the AoS period begins when the visa holder arrives in Australia.
Certain visas under the family stream have a mandatory AoS, which includes the payment of a financial bond. A mandatory AoS is required for the following permanent visas under the family stream:
- Parent
- Aged Parent
- Contributory Parent
- Contributory Aged Parent
- Aged Dependent Relative
- Remaining Relative
Note: In the visa categories listed above, a bond is required only for applicants aged 18 years and above however all applicants are required to have an AoS.
Financial Bonds
The main applicant for a permanent Contributory Parent or Contributory Aged Parent visa requires an AoS bond for the amount of AUD $10,000, which is to be held for 10 years. Secondary adult applicants for a permanent Contributory Parent or Contributory Aged Parent visa requires an AoS bond for the amount of AUD $4,000.
The main applicant for a permanent Parent, Aged Parent, Aged Dependent Relative, or Remaining Relative visa required an AoS bond for the amount of AUD $5,000, which will be held for 2 years. Secondary adult applicants for a permanent Parent, Aged Parent, Aged Dependent Relative, or Remaining Relative visa requires an AoS bond for the amount of AUD $2,000.
Note: if the assurer is an organisation, the financial bond of AUD $10,000 for each application will be required.